Rich Dampare Smartt

Pronounced “dam-pah-ree”

Co-Founder at the book-ends | Writer-Producer

I’m a multidisciplinary creative writer, certified coach and consultant. I’ve completed commissions for clients across industries ranging from Aviation (National Air Traffic Services) to children’s publishing (Kingfisher/Toucan).

Along with my wife, Mercy, I'm the co-founder of the book-ends, an independent bookshop and art space in Shropshire. Born and bred in South London, I'm now based in the West Midlands. I write poetry, screenplays (heightened drama with fantasy elements) and lists… lots of lists.

Fun fact: As a chess enthusiast, I started Chess Cubs in 2015 as a bit of a passion project — a chess class I taught for kids in my neighbourhood (Camberwell stand up!). Today, it’s still a passion project, but we’re 100% online and blessed to have amazing grandmaster-level coaches in Europe, Asia and Africa.


enquiries / commissions /say hi:
